The "Inverse Square Law" and the
"Resonant Capacitive Coupling" theory!
Unlike other companies, we do not incorrectly claim that our plasma tube works on "Resonant Capacitive Coupling." All Plasma tubes that emit frequencies are subject to the “Inverse Square Law.” This scientific law governs all electro-magnetic waves such as radio, light, X-rays, sound, gravity, etc.
We will now explain in greater detail this subject with documented information. What “Resonant Capacitive Coupling” mostly deals with is short distance (only a few feet) wireless battery charging which is used with cell phone chargers and electric car batteries. We quote from the dictionary its definition and give two video links for a greater understanding of this law of physics. We recommend you take the time to watch these two informative videos:
DEFINITION: “Resonant Capacitive Coupling also referred to as electric coupling, makes use of electric fields for the transmission of power between two electrodes (an anode and cathode) forming a capacitance for the transfer of power.”
To watch the videos click on the photos below.
If you watched the two YouTube videos then you now understand that they deal with the subject of wireless power transfer including how scientists are working on high power wireless chargers for electric vehicles. But this method of power transfer can only be done within a short distance because the technology has not reached the capability of being able to do this efficiently over a several foot distance, let alone 30 feet. Few people consider this simple fact. If a plasma tube could be used to transfer electrical frequencies or electrical power by “Resonant Capacitive Coupling” scientists would have used plasma tubes a long time ago to charge batteries if plasma tubes really worked on the “Resonant Capacitive Coupling” theory.
Scientists already know how plasma tubes work and how the power transfer is governed by the “Inverse Square Law.” Everyone that uses any plasma tube instrument should understand this law and how it works. We quote from the dictionary its definition and give two video links for a greater understanding of this law. We also recommend you watch these informative videos:
DEFINITION: “The inverse-square law is a principle that in free space, all electromagnetic waves (radio, light, X-rays, sound, gravity, etc.) obey this law which states that the power density of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance from a point source.”
To watch the videos click on the photos below.
If you watch these videos then you now understand that all electromagnetic waves such as radio, light, X-rays, sound, gravity, etc. are governed by the “Inverse Square Law.” In the two videos, they clearly show how this law works by measuring the power loss that comes with the distance you move away from the power source. The "Inverse Square Law" is not a theory but a scientific fact.
There is one company that claims their plasma tube works on "Resonant Capacitive Coupling" and this makes their plasma tube instrument superior to all other plasma tube instruments. “Resonant Capacitive Coupling” is nothing but a “Red Herring” which misleads people into an incorrect understanding of how a plasma tube actually works and how it can have a 30 to 40-foot frequency range if sufficient power is used. The “Inverse Square Law” clearly shows how and why a plasma tube can have a large range based on the instrument's power output. The original 1930s/1950s instruments clearly had this distance capability because of there sufficient power output.
It should now be apparent that scientifically “Resonant Capacitive Coupling” has nothing to do with a plasma tubes frequency range. |